Framed Original Oil Painting on Canvas Panel
Painting image size is 16" x 20"
Professionally Framed Size is 18 7/8" x 22 7/8"
Silver Foil with Scratched Black Edges Wood Frame
Please allow up to 2 weeks for shipping.
I found plenty of pictures of Niagara Falls in my photo box. I am originally from western NY state. Born in Buffalo, got married, and lived on Grand Island. It's a pork chop shaped island in the middle of the Niagara River. We lived on the sixth 5-acre lot from the river edge. We'd often take a walk down to the river and we could see the mist of Niagara Falls in the distance. And Canada was what appeared to be a stone's throw across the river. It is a beautiful area. I miss its three seasons, spring, summer and fall... but disliked the long, cold snowy winters. There are plenty of family and friends there so I know we'll go back and visit again.
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